You must know that the majority of tigers are endangered.
Now I am going to exlain to you one type of tiger.
His name is Phantera Tiger. He weighs 130-160 Kg.
He is 3 metres long from his head to his tail.
He lives in India, Manchuria, China and Indonesia. The Phantera Tiger needs to live in wet surroundings such as jungles or forests... and sometimes he lives in dry places such as in the Sabana.
The Phantera Tiger can not survive without food. He kills many types of animals for example zebbras, buffalos and more animals. When the animal is dead, the tigers eat it. In this moment, approximatly, there are only 13000 phantera tigers around the world.
The Phantera Tigers are endangered because some people from Índia, Manchuria, China ans Indonesia kill them for their skin. They want tiger skin to make beautiful and expensive jackets, t-shirts, scarfs and more types of clothes.
To solve this problem the government should understand the importance of protecting the wild Phantera Tiger and they should not letthe other people kill the Phantera Tigers.